
Why Study Unmanned Aerial Systems Development and Analytics?

在UAS开发和分析的研究生证书超越了驾驶无人机所需的基本技能. 您将学习如何将从无人机收集的数据纳入研究. 您将基于硬件和组件的全面知识开发平衡的UAS技能, sensors and data interpretation, and advanced applications software. 


In 2018, 巴特-银弓市和县之间签署了谅解备忘录,  the Montana Bureau of Mines and 地质, 与蒙大拿州理工学院合作创建一个无人机培训和研究区域,该区域包括蒙大拿州理工学院校园和BSB的大巴特开放空间公园. 发展这一研究领域的目的是提供BSB和MBMG人员, and Montana Tech researchers and students, 带着保险箱, 使用无人驾驶飞机系统进行监督训练和研究的未开发地点.  

Interdisciplinary Approach 

MBMG和菲律宾十大彩票平台学院的研究人员一直在开发用于矿产勘探的定制无人机传感器, precision mapping, hazardous gas detection, underground mapping, unexploded ordnance detection, and natural hazard detection (subsidence, 缺点, 山体滑坡, 等.),以及用于避免碰撞、物体检测和实时绘图的专用软件. 菲律宾十大彩票平台学院的无人机研究目前由地质工程系的玛丽·麦克劳克林教授领导, Xiaobing Zhou in Geophysics, Raja Nagisetty in Environmental 工程, Robert Pal in Biological Sciences and Director of Restoration, 电气工程的布莱斯·希尔以及蒙大拿矿业和地质局的杰里米·克劳利.

World Class Research Opportunities 

蒙大拿州理工大学UAS学生通过独立项目或协助教师进行重要研究项目直接参与研究活动. 学生学习在一个鼓励师生密切互动的环境中进行UAS工作,并利用研究和教育机会.  

Award Winning 教师  

Be mentored by our award-winning faculty. 我们的教授积极参与各种各样的研究项目, 并将帮助你制定一个适合你的兴趣和领域的学习计划.  

Spectacular Location

菲律宾十大彩票平台学院在孤峰的位置为您提供了许多娱乐机会, such as hiking and fishing. 孤峰 is centrally located in Montana, giving you access to internships in Bozeman, 海伦娜, 和米苏拉. 

Financial 援助 Note

作为一个证书,菲律宾十大彩票平台大学不为这个项目提供联邦财政援助.  一些寻求有资格获得经济援助的学位的学生可能有资格获得援助,并应致电(406)496-4223或financialaid@mtech与经济援助联系.edu for more information.  

Modern Lab Facilities
Program Objectives and Outcomes

See our outcomes.

Explore Lance College of Mines and 工程

What are Unmanned Aerial Systems?  

Unmanned Aerial Systems are air vehicles piloted remotely. 一些无人机系统也是自主的,通过预编程飞行. The uses of unmanned aerial systems are vast. 它们的范围从数码摄影和摄像到执法监视,到管道或野火检查,再到为科学目的收集数据. 无人机系统操作是一项开放式技能,可以应用于许多学科和职业.  

What Kinds of Jobs Do Unmanned Aerial Systems Students Get? 

 There is high demand for unmanned aerial systems operators. The demand for drone pilots is expected to 增加 by 51.1 percent over the next five years, a根据 Research and Markets 

Explore Classes in Unmanned Aerial Systems

This 15-credit program will prepare you to become a FAA Part 107 Certified drone pilot. You’ll also have courses in photogrammetric modeling, geographic information systems and remote sensing. 

Learn More About Unmanned Aerial Systems
教师 & 工作人员

Meet faculty, explore our research expertise, 等.

Mines and 工程




Related 项目
Mechanical engineering students using equipment in a lab
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Hand using a brush on a dirt wall

Specialize in engineering 地质, 地球化学, geological engineering, 地质, geophysical engineering, 地质, hydrogeological engineering, 或水文地质.

Ecological Restoration

这个跨学科的课程教导学生进行有意义的工作,以恢复退化, destroyed or damaged ecosystems.


We can answer your questions and help you get started.

Dr. 格伦肖
Professor and Department Head Professor and Department Head
(406) 496-4809