Students directed to this link answered YES to one of the Safety & 关于入学申请的安全问题.  在这些情况下,在做出录取决定之前需要进一步的信息.  如果您收到要求您完成此流程的信件,请 carefully read the following information 并在本页底部提交相应的申请.

Application Deadline

安全披露申请必须在学期开始前14天完成.  See Campus Academic Calendars

Submit the Application Only Once

在提交所需材料之前,请仔细审查您的申请.  如果您需要修改申请或确认申请已成功提交, contact the Assistant to the Provost at (406)-496-4127.

Student ID Number

输入你的学生证号码(799######),不带破折号. 这个号码可以在你的录取通知书上找到,或者你可以联系招生服务 (406)-496-4256 or 1-800-445-8324 if you require assistance. 

Non Academic Discipline at Another Institution

如果你在任何教育机构受到纪律处分,停学或留校察看 non-academic reasons, use the link entitled Non-Academic Discipline located at the bottom of the page under Application.

If you were placed on academic probation or suspension due to your GPA, you do not need to complete these forms.  此程序仅适用于非学术不端行为.   请联系招生服务以澄清您在申请中提供的信息.

Supporting Documentation

您需要提交与您的收费相关的文件以及推荐信.  Only complete applications will be reviewed. 


如果您有任何问题或觉得您被错误地引导到这个表格, please contact Enrollment Services at 1-800-445-8324 or

Examples of Complete Question


Screenshot of question on actual form:
If you have been convicted or institutionalized, 请填写以下每项定罪或收容.


A. Illegal Drug Possession
B.  Butte Silver Bow/March/2005
C. Fine and Court Ordered Confinement (1 year)
D. I was young, foolish and an addict. I had a complicated life and hard upbringing.  由于个人原因,我曾与抑郁症作斗争,药物帮助我忘记了.
E. County jail
F. 被判住院和/或门诊治疗.
G. 我不能接触毒品,酒精供应设施,还有强制缓刑例会.

Screenshot of question on actual form:
Screenshot of question on actual form:
If you have been disciplined, suspended form, 或因非学术原因在教育机构见习, please complete the following for each item.


A. High School
B. March/2016
C. Disorderly Conduct
D. School Handbook
E.  I was involved in a food fight in the cafeteria. 
F. Suspended
G. 2 days of school
H. N/A


A. Montana Tech
B. March/2018
C.  Harassment
D. 菲律宾十大彩票平台大学关于歧视、骚扰、性行为不端、跟踪和报复的政策
E. It is a long story. I wrote and left graphic, 在我们分手后的几个月里用手机短信威胁另一个学生因为她的退伍军人身份和性别. 当我们分手的时候,我很伤心,我知道我的行为是不对的. 我在第九条调查中接受了采访并提供了证据.
F. Probation
G. 1个学期的试用期,2018年5月1日开始,2018年秋季学期
H. 菲律宾十大彩票平台大学2019年秋季入学申请目前正在寻求重新入学.


Safety & Security Student Disclosure Questionnaire

Non-Academic Discipline