电子显微镜学博士. 吉姆的司机很高兴为您介绍日立HT7820.

Explore the microscopic universe with our state-of-the-art scanning/transmission electron microscope!

2023年5月, 国家科学基金资助(奖励号2216488), the Montana Tech Department of Biological Sciences acquired a state-of-the-art Hitachi HT7820 scanning/transmission electron microscope. 新E.M.Tech laboratory is open to researchers 和 students of Montana Tech 和 the Montana University System who require high resolution imaging or elemental analysis for samples appropriate for a TEM. Thanks to support from the National Institutes of 健康 Science Education Partnership Award (NIH SEPA,资助号:5R25GM132951), E.M.Tech facility will also work with statewide K-12 science 和 工程 教育 outreach programs.

安装了新的OXFORD explore TEM EDS探测器准备好样品! As of February 2024 Oxford Xplore TEM Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) detector is available for use with the Hitachi HT7820 TEM. 该仪器是由ARL资助的. 杰克。斯金纳. 请联系 EMsignup@3ij.net 来讨论你的样品,并安排你在显微镜上的时间. 司机.



E.M.Tech的使命是推动跨学科研究, 教育, 以及生物领域的拓展, 化学, 地球化学, 机械工程, 环境工程, 和地质学.  E.M. Tech will impact students at the K-12 to PhD level as well as scientists throughout the region.


E.M.Tech Electron Microscopy Laboratory is to be the premier provider of transmission electron microscopy with microanalysis capabilities at Montana Tech 和 the Montana University System. E.M.Tech将努力成为专家咨询样品收集的首选站点, 准备, 以及各种TEM成像技术的培训.


  • Exposure to 和 use of the electron microscope will help inspire an interest in science, 技术, 工程, 和 mathematics (STEM) careers by K-12 students 和 teachers served by the Clark Fork Watershed Education Program (CFWEP) 和 the 蒙大拿矿业和地质局.
  • 捕捉和传达生物之美的能力, mineral 和 nano-scale worlds to K-12 students will spark interest in scientific careers, 提高科学素养, 并且具有打击科学错误信息的潜力.
  • E.M.Tech facility was established to significantly benefit state-wide outreach activities 和 underrepresented groups in Montana, 包括来自农村的学生, 经济落后地区, 和印第安人社区.
  • The microscope’s images will engage students by visualizing 和 scientifically characterizing viruses, 矿物质, 纳米材料, 以及环境破坏和恢复的结果.
  • Exposure to these electron microscopy capabilities will increase student recruitment 和 retention, 增加进入STEM职业的机会, 加强蒙大拿州的科学技术.

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  • 菲律宾十大彩票平台学院和蒙大拿大学系统的教师和研究人员
  • 菲律宾十大彩票平台学院的本科生和研究生研究人员,包括
  • 菲律宾十大彩票平台大学材料科学和地球科学工程专业博士生
  • K-12教育工作者和学生通过克拉克福克流域教育计划(CFWEP)
  • 蒙大拿矿业和地质局
  • 菲律宾十大彩票平台实验室课程
  • 商业用途的计划正在制定中

E.M. 科技日立7820

2023年5月,由国家科学基金资助基金(奖励编号2216488), the Montana Tech Department of Biological Sciences acquired a state-of-the-art Hitachi HT7820 scanning/transmission electron microscope. This 120 kV TEM has a “Dual Mode” compound objective lens system that can operate in either high contrast or high resolution (HC/HR) mode for st和ard TEM imaging. The HT7820 includes a Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope unit with both a brightfield 和 a darkfield detectors. 而TEM使用的是广义的, parallel electron beam to obtain an image of a sample the 扫描透射电镜 uses a focused beam to scan the sample line by line. This scanning technique provides an ultra-high-resolution image of a sample in either brightfield or darkfield view. 另外, the HT7820 will be equipped with an Oxford AZtecEnergy Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) Microanalysis system. EDS将允许元素识别, 本地化, 以及样本中感兴趣元素的映射.

E.M.技术是由博士管理. 吉姆的司机, an electron microscopist with over 15 years of experience in a variety of techniques for both scanning 和 transmission electron microscopy. Dr. 司机 will be available for consultation on sample collection 和 准备 for st和ard TEM imaging, 扫描透射电镜, EDS, 并使用日立HT7820进行分析. Facility users will provide samples 和 reagents to capture images with user training 和 instrument support by Dr. 司机.

商业用途的计划正在制定中. Interested commercial usersplease provide input as to your anticipated needs within the 显微镜预期商业用途形式.




来看看E.M. Tech team has been able to capture with the Hitachi HT7820 scanning/transmission electron microscope.


《十大可靠彩票平台》写了一篇关于E.M. 技术实验室将会随购买一台日立HT7820.


The National Science Foundation (NSF) Public Abstract provides addition information about how this high-powered microscope will provide opportunities to southwestern Montana.


日立HT7820在新的E.M.Tech laboratory is open to researchers 和 students of Montana Tech 和 the Montana University System (including the MBMG) at no charge. 用户将接受样品制备方面的培训并负责样品制备.

显微镜工作者:博士. 吉姆的司机